Comparative Analysis of the Quality of Life of School Children in Japan and Korea
It is important to know the way of thinking in their daily life on the children in the physical and mental adolescence in duration of growth and development. What and how these children think about their da
ily life, what support their life mentally, what fulfill and gratify their days are major focus. The research was to investigate and compare both countries children of Japan and Korea from the concept of the QOL. The research method for investigation was conducted questionnairing on 28 questions about five domains, such as living domain, physical domain, mental domain,

psychological and emotional domain, and social domain. Then, the factor analysis was executed in order to grasp the important factor in the life of children. Subjects were totaled one thousand and four hundred twenty-six pupils in elementary school and junior high school of Japan and Korea. As a result, the elementary school boys and girls of Japan was together the first factor the physical domain on exercise and sports. And the elementary school boys of Korea becomes the first factor the social domain which makes the relationship with friend very important. It is thought like the effect of the education based on the spirit of the Confucianism. The elementary school girls of Korea was the first factor the problem on the body condition in the physical domains. In addition, it was important factor, such as "concentrating to study" and "reading books" as a mental domain, and "have bad habits", or "exclusion from friends" as a psychological and emotional domain for elementary school child. First factor of the junior high school boys were together physical domain such as exercise and sports on both countries of Japan and Korea. However, the body condition in the physical domain is being taken up at the second factor. First factor of the junior high school girls of Japan was a physical domain on exercise and sports.... (author abst.)
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psychological and emotional domain, and social domain. Then, the factor analysis was executed in order to grasp the important factor in the life of children. Subjects were totaled one thousand and four hundred twenty-six pupils in elementary school and junior high school of Japan and Korea. As a result, the elementary school boys and girls of Japan was together the first factor the physical domain on exercise and sports. And the elementary school boys of Korea becomes the first factor the social domain which makes the relationship with friend very important. It is thought like the effect of the education based on the spirit of the Confucianism. The elementary school girls of Korea was the first factor the problem on the body condition in the physical domains. In addition, it was important factor, such as "concentrating to study" and "reading books" as a mental domain, and "have bad habits", or "exclusion from friends" as a psychological and emotional domain for elementary school child. First factor of the junior high school boys were together physical domain such as exercise and sports on both countries of Japan and Korea. However, the body condition in the physical domain is being taken up at the second factor. First factor of the junior high school girls of Japan was a physical domain on exercise and sports.... (author abst.)
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